Here are a small selection of our recent hotel discoveries to buzz your travel antennae:
Abode Mumbai – finally a good value, atmospheric hotel in the Colaba area of Mumbai. An ideal hotel to base yourself at for an in-depth exploration in Mumbai or wind up at after a north India tour.
Vismaya Alleppey – a delightful, luxurious two-bedroom property surrounded by the backwaters on three sides. Many of our south India itineraries pass through Alleppey, or you could do worse than lob up here for a post-tour long stay.
Carnoustie Marari Beach – it was tough going but we slogged out two nights in a pool villa at this luxury beach resort – wonderful food, obliging staff and an extensive spa. Perfect for a couple days of R&R at the end of any of our south India and Kerala tours.
Malji ka Kamra Churu – a charming little heritage hotel with hosts who want to showcase their slightly offbeat location in Rajasthan. A good base for exploring the striking havelis of Mandawa and Nawalgarh during our Rajasthan In-Depth tour.
Vana Rishikesh – a super classy health and wellness retreat in the Himalayan foothills. A stand-alone destination or delightful way to wind down at the end of your travels.
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