Every year between mid December and mid January (the Tamil month of Margazhi) Chennai celebrates its classical Indian dance and music festival. Many of our South India tours begin and / or end in Chennai – making it very easy to add a few days at the beginning or end of a trip to catch some performances.
A month long event, the Chennai Dance and Music Festival, attracts the best musicians, singers and dancers from all over India. More than 2,000 participants take part in over 300 concerts that are attended by Indians and classical music and dance lovers from around the world. Performances are held at various venues (including some temples) throughout the city, giving it a wonderful festive atmosphere.
The oldest classical dance style, Bharatanatyam, had its beginnings in the temples and is entwined with the spiritual beliefs and mythology of Hindu culture, whilst Carnatic music is considered the optimum means for revering the gods. Taking an opportunity to attend a couple of performances enhances an experience of travel in South India, particularly on our Tamil Heritage tour, which journeys through the state known as the ‘land of temples’.